Backup Parameters
    • 12 Aug 2024
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    Backup Parameters

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    Article summary

    Default Selections

    Default selections in Dynamics 365 Finance and Operations are used to predefine the parts of a configuration that are included during routine import/export.

    For example, when developing reports in a test environment, the destinations may all be set to one particular email address. However, when copying those reports to a production environment, you might not want to overwrite the production destinations. To meet this requirement, a default selection can be set up so that only the desired configuration is exported and, when it gets imported into Production, the existing destinations are not overwritten.

    Similarly, when working with a customer's configuration that needs to be imported into a test environment, it is not always desirable to import the whole configuration. For example, you may not want to import the connections and servers. A default configuration can be created to exclude those components from the import.

    Where to find Default Selections

    Default selections are a part of the standard export wizard.

    1. Navigate to Lasernet > Common > Backup > Export Lasernet Backup.

    1. A new window opens. Click OK to open the Export Lasernet Backup wizard.

    1. Click OK to accept the default selection of reports and tables that will be exported.

    The report selections include an option for Predefined selection. The default selection includes a common subset of components.

    However, as mentioned, it is sometimes necessary to export a backup that only contains a specific subset. This can, of course, be done by manually deselecting options in the list. However, this operation not only requires much precision and can be time-consuming, but it also needs to be done every time. Therefore, it is useful to be able to select a predefined option.

    Default Selections Form

    To configure the Default selections, follow these steps:

    1. Navigate to Lasernet > Setup > Backup Parameters > Setup Default Selections.

    1. A list page opens. Click the New button on the Action pane.

    Selection-class list


    Class ID

    Shows the class ID. This field will be populated when the Class name field is populated.

    Class name

    Shows the name of the selected class, and whether the predefined selection refers to the import/export of the whole Lasernet Connector configuration or an individual report.

    Predefined selection

    Shows the name of the selection.


    Shows the description of the selection, if any.

    When selecting the Class Name four standard options are shown.


    If this drop-down is not populated, click Register selection-classes.

    1. Selection for importing the whole Lasernet Connector configuration.

    2. Selection for importing individual reports.

    3. Selection for exporting the whole Lasernet Connector configuration.

    4. Selection for exporting individual reports.

    Configure Default Selections for Exporting Lasernet Connector Configuration

    The following is an example of a Predefined selection that will be used to export Lasernet Connector config:

    On the right side of the page, it is possible to select which tables will be included or excluded. The All tables radio button will include all tables in the list. The Apply Default option will apply the Default selection, which can then be modified as required. It is also possible to manually select what to add.

    In the following example, all the tables have been selected except for the report destinations:

    The selection can be customized based on the requirement.

    When the selection is finalized, click Save.

    Then, click Save again.

    Choose Default Selection on Export Menu

    Once the Default selection has been configured, navigate to Lasernet > Common > Backup > Export Lasernet backup and click OK.

    Now, in the Predefined selections, appears the option to use the selection that was created before with the required exclusions.

    Configure Default Selection for Exporting a Report

    In the previous section, a Default selection was created for exporting Lasernet Connector configuration. However, it is sometimes necessary to export only one report or a few reports. To do so, follow these steps:

    1. Navigate to Lasernet > Common > Reports.

    1. Select a report from the list and click Export Report Backup.

    The previously configured Default selection is not available because this is a Report export only.

    To configure the Default selection for a report, follow these steps:

    1. Navigate back to the Default Selections through Lasernet > Setup > Backup Parameters > Setup Default Selections.

    2. Click the New button and select LAC Report backup as shown.

    1. Add the Predefined Selection and Description, and click Save.

    1. Configure the appropriate selection, and click Save on the selection, then Save on the form again.

    Now, when exporting a report from the reports list page, the new Default Selection is available as a Predefined Selection on the report export.

    Import a Configuration

    A similar functionality is available to import a configuration: the import can define which specific parts of the config to load.

    To this end, it is necessary to select the import classes in the Setup Default Selections page (Lasernet > Setup > Backup parameters > Setup Default Selections):

    In the same way, as with the exports, the Class name, Predefined selection, and Description must be defined, and the table selection can be customized to exclude tables that do not need to be imported:

    For this import selection, you can also define a default list of companies to which the config is imported.

    When a report is imported from the reports list page, the Predefined selection is available from the import wizard:

    When the Predefined selection is imported, the import is added to the three companies previously selected:

    What's Next
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