Error Message: 'Object Reference not Set to an Instance of an Object. at Dynamics.AX.Application.LACXmlPostProcessing.convert2FormatStr'
    • 11 Apr 2024
    • 1 Minute to read
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    Error Message: 'Object Reference not Set to an Instance of an Object. at Dynamics.AX.Application.LACXmlPostProcessing.convert2FormatStr'

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    Article summary

    This article provides a solution for the following error message you may receive when trying to print a Lasernet report in Dynamics 365:


    Object reference not set to an instance of an object. at Dynamics.AX.Application.LACXmlPostProcessing.`convert2FormatStr...

    The error indicates that there is an invalid character somewhere in the data. This could be on the order or from the master data, such as the item table, external item table, customer table, or customer address table.

    Check the Fields

    We recommend you check the fields in your report. Methods added to reports can cause these errors, especially if the method returns a value wrapped in a container or returns multiple records. Then Lasernet Connector does not know which records to choose.

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