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In this exercise, you can learn how to insert a chart in the DOCX output as well as how to edit the inserted chart.
Download and import the attached configuration called 06. DOCX Output (Charts) in Lasernet Developer 9. Afterward, go to the Forms section and open the Sample form.
Start by adding a chart to the output. To this end, click Chart on the Developer toolbar. A chart will be inserted into your output.
Expand the EnergyUsageHistory node to display its detail view.
Once you are done, drag the month item from the input to the <arguments> circle of the chart in the output.
Afterward, drag the amount item from the input to the <values> circle of the chart in the output.
You are now proposed to change the chart settings. To this end, follow these steps.
Right-click the chart, and then click Run designer... on the context menu that appears.
In the Chart Designer window displayed, click the Change Chart Type button.
Select Pie from the list.
Click OK to confirm changes.
As a result, the chart type has been changed: