DOCX Output (Add Image and Barcode)
    • 30 Sep 2024
    • 1 Minute to read
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    DOCX Output (Add Image and Barcode)

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    Article summary

    Download and import the attached configuration called 04. DOCX Output (Add Image and Barcode) in Lasernet Developer 9. Afterward, navigate to the Forms section and open the Sample form.

    In the current exercise, you are proposed to edit a header of the output by inserting an image and a barcode. To this end, follow the steps listed below:

    1. Click the View Gridlines button to show lines of all grids available in the output to make the document formatting easier.

    1. Click the Header button to activate the edit mode.

    1. Insert an image from the external file. Once the image is inserted, drag one of the control points on the sides or corners of the selection box. The following image illustrates what the image in the header should look like after resizing it.

    1. Drag the orderid field from the input to the second column of the table in the header of the output.

    1. Select the item, and then click the Properties button.

    1. In the box that appears, select Bar Code from the Content Type drop-down box, select QR Code from the Symbology drop-down box, clear the Show Data check box and select the Auto-Module check box.

    1. Once the barcode is inserted, drag one of the control points on the sides or corners of the selection box. The following image illustrates what the barcode in the header should look like after resizing it.

    1. To exit the edit mode of the header, double-click anywhere in the output. Afterwards, click the View Gridlines button to hide lines of grids.

    1.52 MB

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