Document Translation
    • 07 Aug 2024
    • 1 Minute to read
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    Document Translation

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    Article summary

    The Document Translation page is used to define translations for all headings and labels based on the selected language code.

    You have to print a report once before you can change the labels that belong to the report.

    To access the Document Translation page, follow these steps:

    1. Sign in to Business Central and select the Lasernet Document Management dropdown from the list. Otherwise, you can search for the Lasernet Document Management page.

    2. Select Document Translation.

    The Document Translation page is displayed:

    Search: Search for a specific label, for example, 'VAT Amount'.

    New: Create your own labels.

    Delete: Delete the selected label.

    Edit list: A BC function. Most forms in BC are locked for editing, so if you would like to change a label or anything else on the form, click this button first.

    Copy Language: Copy labels from one language to another, for example, from Swedish to Danish. You can copy all or just a single label.

    Refresh: Reload all non-translated labels for all Lasernet reports.

    General Section

    Language Code Filter: Filters all the lines to only show a specific language code.

    Not Translated Lines: If selected, only lines with translated text appear.

    Label Section

    Language Covered: Show the number of languages that are translated.

    Source Text: The text of the label in English.

    Description: Description field.

    Translation Section

    Create New Language: From the Language Code dropdown list, select the language you want to translate, and then write the translation in the Target Text column.

    If no translations are entered, the text of the Code field is used.

    What's Next
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