- Print
In the Destination defaults FastTab of the Reports list page, you can set parameters to use standard destinations. To use default destination settings, you need to have the Predefined destination settings with defined destination default.
By defining the Email parameters settings, you can specify an email sender, an email address, an email body, etc.
You can manually type specific information in all fields. It only makes sense if you create rules on the account relation.
Field name | Description |
Destination type | This option is normally set to default. Alternatively, you can choose among the following options: Print, Email, Fax, Custom, Screen. |
Reference type | You can choose among the following options: Customer, Vendor, Party. |
Format | Allows defining a standard format (CSV, EDI, OIOUBL XML, PDF, XPS). |
Printer parameters | |
Printer name | Allows defining a standard printer. |
Printer type | |
Identifier | |
Printer driver | |
Printer Profiles | Allows defining a printer profile for the standard printer. |
Fax parameters | |
Fax number | Allows defining fax numbers. It is possible to define several numbers. |
Custom ports | |
Custom ports | Allows defining custom ports for: EDI, XML, OIOUBL. |
Email parameters | |
From name | A name defined in this field is to be displayed when Lasernet sends emails. |
From email | An email address defined in this field is to be the sender's email address. The sender's email address can be looked up in the mail client address book when using the button on the right. |
Email address | Allows defining mail recipients. It is possible to select several recipients by clicking the button available next to the field or typing email addresses directly in the field and separating them by commas. |
Cc | Allows defining mail carbon copy recipients. It is possible to select several recipients by clicking the button available next to the field or typing email addresses directly in the field and separating them by commas. |
Bcc | Allows defining mail blind carbon copy recipients. It is possible to select several recipients by clicking the button available next to the field. |
Subject | Email subjects can be defined with various Axapta fields combined with static text. If needed, more subjects can be defined. To customize this option, click the button to the right. The value selector will open. For more details, see the Mail Subject and Body section on the Destinations page of this guide. |
On dialog | There are two values for this drop-down combo box: Default: enables changing the email subject and body. Fixed: disables customizing a mail. |
Body | Email bodies can be defined with various Axapta fields combined with static text. If needed, more body texts can be used. To customize this option, click the button to the right. The value selector will open. For more details, see the Mail Subject and Body section on the Destinations page of this guide. |
In previous versions, it was possible to specify a destination through the Dialog options field located at the report level (General > Dialog options).
The Dialog options for the report would enable a printer dialog even though the SSRS report only reflects settings from Print management when printing from the form.
With Lasernet FO Connector 6.20, it is also possible to specify/lock a destination for a newly created Query report.
The Dialog options field has been moved to the Destination defaults FastTab and is now named Printer settings initialization.
Printer settings initialization | Description |
Default | Default behavior. The printer dialog depends on the report and whether the Printer management exists for the report. |
Always show (only for SSRS) | This option will force the dialog to be shown for an SSRS report. For instance, the WHSLoadList report. |
Start with | This option is used to initialize the dialog that will be shown for a Query or Replacement report, such as the LACWHSPrintLabels or WHSLoadListReplacement reports. This option will only initialize the destination and the values for the destination while allowing both the destination and the values for the destination to be adjusted. |
Specified (read only) | This option works as Start with but does not allow the destination and the destination’s values to be changed. |
Both Start with and Specified (read only) are useful if a business wishes to ensure that the end-user can always select a proper destination, such as a predefined destination.
Using Start with allows the destination to be changed when resending from the Journal or the Lasernet Archive, whereas Specified (read only) always uses the destination specified for the report with no option to adjust the settings.
However, it is possible to specify whether Force rerun should be used when resending from the Journal or the Lasernet Archive.
Using Specified (read only) will show all destination types but will only allow the user to choose the destination type previously selected with Specified (read only). Selecting a destination type different than the one set in Specified (read only) will trigger the UI to fall back to the one selected within Specified (read only).
It is possible to use Print buttons, but this option is not relevant when using Specified (read only) as this has the highest relevance and would not enable the print buttons to overwrite the destination.
All print buttons will be disabled if Specified (read only) is used.
Print to (presets) is an extremely powerful feature as it provides the option to filter which printers or destinations should be shown to a user.
It is also possible to specify the printers/destinations for each report/Query for all users, a group of users, and a specific user.
The destinations can also be shown as a button. However, there are often not enough printers/destinations for a report; therefore, it is preferable to show the primary printers/destinations as buttons and the secondary printers/destinations as a list in the Print to field.
Print to (presets) reflects the destination specified for the report. The following image demonstrates this, where Start with and Fax Initialized destination are specified for the report:
Lasernet Fax - Initialized destination will, therefore, be shown in the Print to (presets).
A Lasernet destination will always be shown if a report is configured for Lasernet. However, it is possible to change to a standard destination for SSRS reports unless it is read only.
If, after the execution of an SSRS report, the user converts the report to Lasernet, they will also need to manually set an SSRS destination (if needed).
The Printer settings initialization must be configured for the replacement report if the SSRS report is replaced with a Query.
Try to enable or disable one of the following report-related fixes if a printer dialog is not working as expected:
It is not possible to print a document from a preview if the destination for the report is set to Lasernet screen.
Use the Start with option if you need to change an already selected destination when re-sending from the report level or the Lasernet Archive.