Database Encryption
    • 03 Jul 2024
    • 1 Minute to read
    • Contributors
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    Database Encryption

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    Article summary

    This article describes how Lasernet handles database encryption when connecting to the database.

    Lasernet has three classes of database connections:

    ODBC Connections

    These can be secure but this depends on the provider and server. An example can be found here: This is an old technology which we do not recommend using.

    OleDB Connections

    These can be secure, but also this depends on the provider and server. OleDB for SQL Server can be secure if the server is configured using a certificate and the Force Encryption option is enabled.

    Lasernet Connections

    Lasernet also has native connections that use ODBC behind the scenes. These are not secure.


    Be aware that Lasernet is a 64-bit application only and therefore does not support 32-bit drivers.

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