Data Sources
    • 12 Nov 2024
    • 3 Minutes to read
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    Data Sources

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    Article summary

    To access the Data sources page, navigate to Lasernet > Common > Reports, then select the desired report, and finally click  Setup > Data sources.

    The Data sources page presents the report’s Related sources.

    On the Data sources page, you can join various tables and views. By joining tables, information is linked together. It is possible to use ranges in the field values (X, Y, Z etc.).

    Multiple tables can be joined by using an Expression. The button denoting custom fields

    allows setting a relation between several tables.

    Expressions can be used both for the source (right side of the range) and the parent source (left side of the range).

    With the help of the button denoting custom fields, you can use any already joined tables; the other variables selected from the expression can be used as a range value.

    You can also select a value as an expression in the Parent source field or the Table field. This action ensures the existence of the selected value.

    Related sources can be copied from one report to another using the Copy button.

    To test the relations within the Test values section, type in your test value. The results are shown in the Preview section.

    Like tables, views can also be used to show the relationship between various tables or views.

    With the help of the expressions, any fields or methods from the views can be used throughout the entire Lasernet FO Connector: element output, condition, file naming, email subject/body, etc.


    Availability of fields can vary depending on different Dynamics 365 versions.

    Refresh Relations

    To rebuild the relations to the tables more specifically and, as a result, to update the data model, follow these steps:

    1. Click the Refresh relations button available on the top Menu bar of the Data sources page.

    2. The Update data model panel appears.

    3. Confirm your decision to update the data model by clicking the OK button.


    If the same data source appears twice but with a different name, you can move one data source to another one.


    To have a possibility to move, there should be at least two data sources, or more.

    To apply the move action, follow these steps:

    1. Select the data source.

    2. Click the Rename/Transfer button available on the top Menu bar of the Data sources page.

    3. In the context menu that appears, select the Transfer related data to other source radio button, and then click Transfer. As a result, the PayTerm relation is moved to CustTable_1, as shown in the following image:

    Advanced Settings

    Set the Skip query data sources toggle button to the No status to prevent Lasernet from using and showing the query-based relation. The toggle button is available on the context menu that appears when you click the Advanced settings button available on the top menu of the Data sources page.

    What's Next
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