Create a UX Test
    • 09 Oct 2024
    • 3 Minutes to read
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    Create a UX Test

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    Article summary

    A UX test can be created from the UX test form or directly from the Task recorder:

    • The UX test form can be used if you have already created a task recording.

    • The Task recorder can be used if you have not already created a task recording.

    UX Test Form

    The UX test form can be viewed by navigating to Lasernet > Test and performance suite > Test > UX tests.

    The UX test form is used to execute UX tests and maintain UX tests.

    The UX test form displays:

    • A list of UX tests (grid) on the left side of the form.

    • The details of each UX test are split into three FastTabs (sections):

      • General

      • Test results

      • Form views


    • ID: Unique identifier for the UX test.

    • Description: Description of the UX test.

    • Created by: The user that created the UX test.

    • Created date and time: The date and time that the UX test was created.

    • Active: Indicates whether the UX test is active.

    • Run now: Yes – The UX test will run immediately when the Run test is executed. No – The UX test will run at the time defined in the Run at field, when the Run test is executed.

    • Run at: The UX test will use the time defined in the Run at field when the Run test button is clicked. Run now needs to be set to No to use this scheduled time.

    • Repeat: This is the number of times the UX test will be run in sequence in a single browser session (not in parallel). You can see which UX test run is currently being executed in the browser session. In this example, UX test run 3 out of 3 is being run:

    • Name: The name of the UX test is taken from the name of the Task recording. This can be changed, if necessary.

    • Internet address: This URL is used to execute the UX test. It can be copied and pasted to a browser and the UX test will be executed according to the Run now/Run at settings. This URL will automatically change if imported from one Dynamics 365 FO environment to another.

    • Hide actions pane on replay: This hides the actions pane when executing a UX test:

    • Log CPU usage: This will log the CPU usage % when the UX test is run. The result will be displayed in the Test results FastTab.

    • Log memory usage: This will log the Memory usage % when the UX test is run. The result will be displayed in the Test results FastTab.

    Action Pane

    • Run test: Refer to the Executing UX test section of this guide for more information.

    • Task recordings: This displays a list of all task recordings. Task recordings can be deleted from here.

    • Backup: Export - Export the selected UX test. Import - Import a UX test.

    • Steps: These are steps that have been recorded in the task recorder for this UX test. Values entered into fields during the task recording can be edited here.

    • Re-record: This is used to re-create the task recording for the selected UX test.

    • Reset personalizations: Resets embedded form personalizations for the forms used in the recording.

    Test Results

    The Test results section displays all saved results for the selected UX test. These Test results can be deleted, if required.

    • Session: This is the unique identifier for the test execution session. Parallel UX test runs will create multiple Session IDs for each browser session executing a UX test.

    • Actual start date/time: Start date/time of the test result.

    • End date/time: End date/time of the test result.

    • Result: Defines the test as a Pass or Fail. A UX test gets a status of Fail when it cannot process a step in the Task recorder or fails validation when an expected value is different from the test value. The Execution log can be used to view details on why a test failed.

    • Memory usage %: Memory utilization as a percentage.

    • CPU usage %: Processor utilization as a percentage.

    Form Views

    Reset personalizations: Resets embedded form personalizations for the forms used in the recording.

    Create a UX Test from the Task Recorder

    The Task recorder can be opened by navigating to Settings > Task recorder.

    This link can be used to understand how the Task recorder works and how to create a task recording in Dynamics 365 FO.


    It is recommended to start and end the recording on the Default home dashboard screen, so that the UX tests are executed from the same Default home dashboard screen when a new browser session is used.

    A UX test can be created by clicking the LASERNET – Create UX test button on the Task recorder menu once a task has been recorded:

    The UX Test form will open, displaying the new UX test record.

    Changing your password will log you out immediately. Use the new password to log back in.
    First name must have atleast 2 characters. Numbers and special characters are not allowed.
    Last name must have atleast 1 characters. Numbers and special characters are not allowed.
    Enter a valid email
    Enter a valid password
    Your profile has been successfully updated.