Step 2: Create a Migration Schema
    • 19 Mar 2024
    • 1 Minute to read
    • Contributors
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    Step 2: Create a Migration Schema

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    Article summary

    To be able to migrate the configuration from one environment to another, we are required to create a schema that tells the migration tool which entities to export and import.


    To be able to execute the steps required in this article, the following is required:

    • Migration tool for importing and exporting data from and to environments.


    1. Open the folder where you previously stored the Data Migration Tool and open the executable.

    2. Select Create schema and click Continue.

    1. Select the Office 365 radio button, check the Advanced checkbox, and provide the required login information. Then, click Login.

    1. Select the organization where Lasernet Connector is installed and click Login.

    1. Select Lasernet in the drop-down under Select the solution.

    1. Click Add All.

    1. Click Save and Export.

    1. Provide a storage location and name, and then click Save.

    9. Click No when asked to export data and close the application.

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