Create a Form
    • 16 Dec 2024
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    Create a Form

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    Article summary

    After you add a Form Engine to your project (see the Form Engine chapter in the Lasernet Developer guide), you are ready to start creating forms. To create a form, follow these steps:

    1. Select the Forms developer tool in the main window of the Lasernet Developer.

    2. Select your Form Engine on the left side list view, and then click the Add button in the toolbar.

    3. Provide a name and a description for your new form in the Form Properties dialog, and then select the appropriate input and output formats.


      It is important that you choose the correct Input and Output Format for your new form. The format settings define the input type expected by Lasernet (CSV, EDI, JSON, Text, XLS or XML) and the output format it should deliver report contents as (CSV, EDI, EMF, PDF, TIFF, XHTML, XML, Rich Text (DOCX, PDF, and XHTML), XLSX, or DataSet). You cannot change the properties for the form once it has been created, but it is possible to add new sheets and remove old ones to change the output.

      The following sections of this page contain more information about input types and output types.

    4. If you are working with text-format input data: You might need to set up input job splitting, set up job combining, or both.

    5. To start editing your new form, double-click it, or right-click it then select Edit from the context menu.

    6. Add grab files to the form.

    7. If necessary, add form criteria to specify what data the new form is suitable for.

    8. Lasernet creates a blank sheet (Sheet 1) in your new form. Appropriately change the sheet's options to suit project requirements.

    9. If applicable, identify the area in the input data that contains line item data.


      This step is applicable to text input data only.

    10. If relevant, identify the line items in the input data so that Lasernet can add them to output documents.

    11. Depending on the Output type of a sheet, create the sheet’s structure. For some sheets you must create the structure of the output before you design the sheet’s output.

    12. Create the sheet design. See the pages in the Design a Form part of this guide.

    13. If necessary, add more sheets to the form.

    Input Formats

    The following input formats are available:

    • CSV

    • EDI

    • JSON

    • Text

    • XLS(X)

    • XML


    If you select an Output Format that requires input in DataSet format, the form’s Input Format will automatically change to DataSet.

    JSON Input

    It is possible to work with forms based on the JSON input which is derived from a grab file exported by any system on any platform. Handling and processing the JSON input form type in the Lasernet Form Editor application is similar to the operations with the XML input form type.

    CSV Input

    Input files in CSV format are automatically converted to XML. Handling and processing CSV input in Lasernet Form Editor is similar to XML input.

    When a CSV grab file is opened, it is automatically converted to XML.

    See Configure CSV Data Input.

    EDI Input

    EDI-formatted input files are automatically converted to XML. Handling and processing EDI files in Lasernet Form Editor is similar to XML input.

    When an EDI grab file is opened, it is automatically converted to XML.

    XSL(X) Input

    XLS formatted input files are automatically converted to XML. Handling and processing XLS files in Lasernet Form Editor is similar to XML input.

    When an XLS grab file is opened, it is automatically converted to XML.

    Spreadsheets created in Microsoft Excel 2007 or newer are supported. Microsoft Excel does not have to be installed to convert Excel into XML.

    See Configure XLS(X) Data Input.

    Data Fields from Spreadsheets

    Rows and columns on all sheets are extracted and saved into the XML structure.

    Above is an example of the first sheet named Sheet1, containing a header and two rows.

    Above is an example of a second sheet named Sheet2, containing a header and two rows.

    The final result is:

    • An XML file containing an <Excel> root node

    • A child for each sheet named <Sheet> with attributes for @Id = Sheet index, @Name = Sheet name

    • Sub-node for each row named <Row> with attribute for @Id = Row index

    • Sub-node for each column named <Column> with attributes for @Id = Column index, @Name = Header names for elements (if available/selected)

    Output Formats

    The following output formats are available:

    • CSV

    • EDI

    • EMF

    • PDF

    • TIFF

    • XHTML

    • XML

    • Rich Text (DOCX, PDF, and XHTML)

    • XLSX

    • JSON

    • DataSet

    • PDF Form (Filled)

    The output format that you choose determines the output format of the first sheet (Sheet1) that Lasernet adds to the new form.

    Rich-text-based DOCX, PDF, and XHTML output and XLSX output require input data that is in DataSet format. Other output types (including the EMF-based PDF output) require text, JSON, or XML format input data (or data in a format that Lasernet can convert to XML, such as CSV).

    PDF Output (EMF-Based)

    PDF output converts EMF data to PDF format. The Forms Engine retrieves data from the input grab file, processes it and maps it to fields in the output file and automatically converts the result to PDF.

    Sheets whose output format is PDF have specific sheet options. See Configure PDF Output.


    The EMF-based PDF output type is distinct from the rich-text based other PDF output type.

    However, both PDF output types have the same PDF-specific additional sheet options.


    This output type has a prespecified page-based structure. So, for this type of output you do not need to create a sheet structure; instead, you can proceed straight to adding text, input data, and other elements to the form design.

    XML Output

    Sheets whose output format is XML have specific sheet options. See Configure XML Data Output.

    The XML tab is designed to edit content of the XML output in the XML source editing mode.


    For sheets that have this output type, you must specify the sheet's structure before you create the sheet’s output design. See the appropriate part of Create the Sheet Structure.

    JSON Output

    Creating JSON output is similar to the process of creating XML output.

    Sheets whose output format is JSON have specific sheet options. See Configure JSON Output.


    For sheets that have this output type, you must specify the sheet's structure before you create the sheet’s output design. See the appropriate part of Create the Sheet Structure.

    Rich-Text-Based DOCX, PDF, and XHTML Output

    Lasernet can create output that is based on a rich-text format page design and is output in DOCX, PDF, or XHTML format. The Forms Engine retrieves data from the input file, processes it and adds defined fields to the output along with static elements and text added by a user while they were modifying the form output design in Form Editor.

    As an input, the DataSet format is always used.

    When you create a form design for a rich-text-based output format such as DOCX, you use tools that look and work similarly to Microsoft Word. You create your form design directly on the page-based interface on the right-hand side of the Form Editor window.

    Sheets whose output format is rich-text-based have specific sheet options. See:


    This output type has a single-page based structure. So, for this type of output you do not need to create a sheet structure; instead, you can proceed straight to adding text, input data, and other elements to the form design.


    As described elsewhere on this page, instead of being rich-text-based, PDF output can be EMF-based, and XHTML output can be XML-based.

    XHTML (XML-Based) Output

    On the Template tab of the form editor, you can use commands in the right-click menu and tools on the Property bar (see the following picture) to create and format the output. These features are similar to those in Microsoft Word and they are not described in this manual.


    For sheets that have this output type, you must specify the sheet's structure before you create the sheet’s output design. See the appropriate part of Create the Sheet Structure.

    EDI Output

    To create EDI output, the Form Engine retrieves data from the input grab file, processes it, maps it to fields in the output and automatically converts the result to EDI.

    The XML tab is designed to edit content of the EDI output in the XML source editing mode. The Template tab is designed to create, edit and preview the structure of the EDI output.


    For sheets that have this output type, you must specify the sheet's structure before you create the sheet’s output design. See the appropriate part of Create the Sheet Structure.

    DataSet Output

    DataSet output is data in XML format with an embedded XML Schema Definition (XSD). The Form Engine retrieves data from the input grab file, processes it and maps it to fields in the output.

    In Lasernet, a DataSet output file can be used as an input for forms that create output in the Rich Text and Spreadsheet output formats.

    In summary, creating DataSet output involves the following process:

    1. Add a grab file to the form.

    2. Add a pattern to the input data.

    3. Add rearranges, if required.

    4. Set a format category for numeric, date or time values for a node using the Format Category drop-down list from the Format tab, on the rearrange properties dialog.

    5. Create an output structure for the DataSet output.

    Properties for DataSet Forms

    The DataSet output format has the same properties as XML does, except for DTD Declaration. This property is not present for the DataSet output format.

    XLSX Spreadsheet Output

    Lasernet can create output in XLSX format. The Form Engine retrieves data from the input file, processes it and adds defined fields to the output along with static elements and text added by a user while modifying the output in the Editor.

    As an input, the DataSet format is always used.

    Lasernet uses a Microsoft style interface for designing XLSX formatted output.

    Sheets whose output format is XML have specific sheet options. See Configure XLSX Output.


    For sheets that have this output type, you must specify the sheet's structure before you create the sheet’s output design. See the appropriate part of Create the Sheet Structure.


    TIFF output converts EMF data to TIFF format. The Forms Engine retrieves data from the input grab file, processes it and maps it to fields in the output file and automatically converts the result to TIFF.

    Sheets whose output format is TIFF have specific sheet options. See Configure TIFF Output.


    This output type has a prespecified page-based structure. So, for this type of output you do not need to create a sheet structure; instead, you can proceed straight to adding text, input data, and other elements to the form design.

    CSV Output


    For sheets that have this output type, you must specify the sheet's structure before you create the sheet’s output design. See the appropriate part of Create the Sheet Structure.

    PDF Form (Filled)

    PDF files can contain interactive elements such as text boxes, check boxes, combo boxes, etc. The PDF Form (Filled) output is used for manipulating such PDF files. This output is designed to work with interactive elements by filling them with data taken from the form input.

    Sheets whose output format is PDF Form (Filled) have specific sheet options. See Configure PDF Form (Filled) Output.


    For sheets that have this output type, you must specify the sheet's structure before you create the sheet’s output design. See the appropriate part of Create the Sheet Structure.

    XML Input and Output

    When creating a new form for handling XML input, XML must be specified as the input format.

    The above form is set to receive XML formatted files and print standard text forms. If XML output is required, the output format would need to be changed to XML.

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