Crashes or Instability Can be Caused by Third-Party Services Locking Lasernet Files
    • 18 Jun 2024
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    Crashes or Instability Can be Caused by Third-Party Services Locking Lasernet Files

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    Article summary

    The connection to the Lasernet database and to temporary files which are locked by third-party services can be blocked causing crashes and/or instability.

    To resolve this issue, we recommend that users ensure that no third-party services are monitoring the Lasernet runtime folders. Either disable these services altogether or add a Lasernet runtime folder to the 'ignore lists' of these services.

    Software monitoring changes on drives will start working on files if they are changed by Lasernet and lock the file while in the process. Lasernet needs exclusive access to its runtime folder.

    The services are:

    • Anti-virus software

    • Windows Indexing Service

    • Backup software

    To define the Lasernet runtime folder, follow these steps:

    1. Click Server in the Tools menu, right-click your server in the Workspace, and select Edit.

    The Server Properties window is displayed.

    1. Click the General tab and the directory is located at the bottom of the window.

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