- Print
How Do I Connect Multiple Lasernet Instances to One Print Server Using Cloud Print Connector?
This process is valid for Lasernet FO Connector 6.18 and newer.
For versions older than 6.18, follow the process outlined in this article.
Due to restrictions in the number of available print servers or the creation of new environments, multiple Lasernet configurations can sometimes need to be connected to a singular print server. For example, a customer may have a test print server and a production print server. On the test print server, it is necessary to print for both the test and UAT Lasernet instances while keeping the production server separate.
Configure One Environment
At least one FO environment must be properly configured to connect to the Cloud Print Connector. If you need further help, watch this video showing the setup.
When this configuration is ready, the migration tools within Lasernet FO connector can be used to move the same configuration between environments. The same service can then be reused on the print server.
Copy Connections to a New Environment
In order to use the same print service, all Lasernet instances must reference the same Cloud Print Connector configuration and use the same connections. This can be achieved by copying over the Cloud Print Azure Service Bus Connection and the Cloud Print Storage Connection information from one environment to another.
In the FO environment, which is already configured, navigate to Lasernet > Setup > Administration > Connections.
Use the standard import/export functionality to copy the connections.
Manually copy and paste the connection strings between environments.
If using the import/export functionality, ensure that any extra unneeded connections are removed after the copy process is finished. A guide on migrating configuration between different entities or different environments can be found here: https://kb.lasernet.online/docs/migrate-configurations-between-environments-and-entities?highlight=migrate%20lasernert%20con
Reference Connections in the Parameters
Once copied over or configured in the second FO environment, ensure the connections are referenced correctly within the Parameters. To do this:
Navigate to Lasernet > Setup > Cloud Print Connector Setup > Parameters.
Navigate to General and set the Azure Storage Connection to the one that was configured or copied from the other environment.
Do the same for the Azure Service Bus under Azure Service Bus Connection-string.
Reference Connection in the Lasernet Config
The connections must also be referenced within the Lasernet configuration. To do this:
Open the relevant Lasernet Developer.
Navigate to Modules and open the Azure Service Bus (Cloud Print) module:
Copy the Connection string from the Azure Service Bus Connection referenced in the Cloud Print Parameters in FO:
Paste the value into the Connection String field in the Azure Service Bus (Cloud Print) module:
Commit and Deploy this change.
Before copying the configuration from the first FO environment to the second FO environment, ensure that:
The Service Bus for Cloud Print Connector is the same for all environments that will use the same print server.
The Storage for Cloud Print Connector is the same for all environments that will use the same print server.
The Cloud Print Connector Azure Service Bus has been copied into the Lasernet config and is the same for all environments.
The other Cloud Print Connector in the second environment is blank - remove all printers, users, etc.
Export Config
The config from the already working environment must now be exported to the second environment, which has been configured in the previous sections.
In the already configured environment:
Navigate to the Lasernet module in the legal entity where the Cloud Print Connector is configured.
Navigate to Common > Backup > Export Lasernet Backup.
Ensure the Endpoint type is Browser, and then click OK.
Clear the checkboxes for all the reports and tables except for Lasernet Azure parameters and Azure On-premises user mapping.
Click OK.
The configuration will now be exported as a .zip file.
Import Config
Open the second environment. To import the configuration, follow these steps:
Navigate to Lasernet > Common > Backup > Import Lasernet Backup.
Ensure the Endpoint type is set to Browser.
Click OK.
Click Browse and locate the exported .zip file containing the configuration.
Click OK and OK again.
After the configuration is imported, navigate to the Lasernet module.
Navigate to Setup > Lists > Printers.
Click Download Lasernet Cloud Printers.
The list of printers will be updated to match the other environment, and both environments will be able to print to the same print server.