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Configure Microsoft Azure to Support Lasernet Access to Azure Storage Through App-Registration-Based Authentication
Lasernet 10.10 and later support access to Azure Storage through app-registration-based authentication. In these Lasernet versions, Lasernet Cloud printing configuration and Lasernet modules for Azure Storage input and output provide an Application Registration authentication option. This option is configured with Client ID and Client Secret to enable Lasernet to authenticate with Microsoft Entra ID as an application and access Azure Storage.
The implementation of this access consists of three elements which must each be appropriately configured:
Microsoft Entra ID: An app registration that represents Lasernet must be granted appropriate API permissions.
Azure Storage container: The enterprise app (corresponding to that app registration) must be assigned appropriate app roles on the Azure Storage container that you want Lasernet to connect to.
Lasernet: The Azure Storage modules in a Lasernet configuration, or the configuration of Lasernet Cloud printing, or both, use a client ID and client secret to authenticate with Microsoft Entra ID.
The information below describes the configuration process.
This authentication method is not applicable to Azure Storage containers that are managed by Microsoft Dynamics 365 Finance and Operations.
Intended Audience
This information is intended for experienced Microsoft Azure administrators, who will understand how to complete tasks such as configuring role assignments on a storage container. So, this article contains only the supporting information that an administrator needs, such as which roles to assign.
The final stage of the process is to configure Lasernet. This task is completed by a Lasernet administrator and is described in the Lasernet Azure Guide and Lasernet Printer Service Guide. Consequently, this page describes only the information that the Microsoft Azure administrator must pass to the Lasernet administrator to enable them to complete the Lasernet configuration stage.
Configuration Process
To appropriately configure Microsoft Azure, follow this process.
Grant the app registration an appropriate set of API permissions.
Supply the necessary information to the Lasernet administrator so that they can configure Lasernet.
Each task in this process is described in more detail below.
Create an App Registration
In Microsoft Entra ID, create an app registration to represent Lasernet.
Microsoft Entra ID might already contain app registrations for Lasernet that serve other purposes. Consider whether to create a new additional app registration or modify an existing one.
This article assumes that you created a new app registration for Lasernet, for the purpose of enabling it to access Azure Storage.
Grant the App Registration Appropriate API Permissions
On the app registration’s API permissions page, grant it the following permissions:
Azure Storage
Microsoft Graph
Generate a Client Secret for the App Registration
On the Certificates and secrets page, generate a client secret for the app.
Note the new client secret (before the Azure Portal obscures it).
Assign the Lasernet Enterprise Application the Necessary Roles on the Storage Account
In the Azure Portal, navigate to the storage account that Lasernet will connect to.
On the Access Control (IAM) page, use the Role assignments tab to grant the enterprise app (that corresponds to the new app registration) the necessary roles on the storage account. Grant the enterprise app the following roles:
Storage Blob Data Contributor
Storage Blob Data Reader
Storage Queue Data Contributor
Storage Queue Data Reader
Supply Configuration Information to the Lasernet Administrator
After you have completed this process, supply information from the following Microsoft Azure areas to the Lasernet administrator so that they can configure Lasernet:
App registration
Application (client) ID
Client secret Value
Tenant domain
Storage account
Storage account Name
Container Name
To use this information to configure Lasernet, the Lasernet administrator can follow the instructions provided in the following guides: