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Compilation Error from Lasernet FO Connector 6.17
Customers that have developed code to initialize Lasernet reports in Lasernet FO Connector older than 6.17 will get a compilation error when they upgrade to Lasernet FO Connector 6.17 because report initialization from the code has changed in this version.
Type mismatch in 'LACRunQueryServiceController.newReport' argument 2. The expected type is 'LACArgsCache', but the actual type is 'boolean'.
Lasernet FO Connector 6.17 contains major performance enhancements. One of the newly introduced features is new cache logic. This change affects how the report is initialized and processed from the code.
It might be required that some customers using custom code to launch Lasernet reports update the code.
The Lasernet tutorial is also updated to help users understand how to use Lasernet features from the code. LACTutorialStartReport shows the changes that might be required.
Older Lasernet FO Connector Versions
Lasernet FO Connector 6.17
Code fragment to initialize LACRunQueryServiceController:
LACRunQueryServiceController controller =
LACArgsCache::newCache('LACCustTable'), true);
In case there is no Report in the scope/context of the process, LACArgsCache should be initialized with an empty string:
LACArgsCache argsCache = LACArgsCache::newCache(");
The following is an example that should be followed:
The updated tutorial model has been added to the Lasernet FO Connector 6.17.1 release.