Choose the Right Approach for Background Printing
    • 17 Oct 2024
    • 1 Minute to read
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    Choose the Right Approach for Background Printing

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    Article summary

    Choosing the right approach and settings for background printing can bring significant performance improvements and reduce the overall processing time.

    The Top picking approach is recommended when each report will have very different data amounts in it. For example, if one million invoices must be processed, most invoices contain ten lines, but a few invoices contain 10,000 lines. In this case, the Top picking approach can handle the load by using each thread to process a report, so all batch server threads are busy processing until all data is processed.

    In comparison, the data in the bundles in the Batch bundling approach may not be equal between the threads, as some threads may contain more invoices with 10,000 lines than other threads. Therefore, the threads will finish at different times, meaning some threads will not be in use while others will still be processing. Batch bundling with the report bundle can be the best approach when the report architecture allows it and all reports are more or less equal in size.

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