- Print
The Batch print review form is used to view the performance results from the Batch bundling and Top picking performance tests.
The Batch print schedule (Top picking) form can be opened by following these steps:
Navigate to Lasernet > Test and performance suite > Performance > Batch print review.
Set the Open review form to Yes when creating the Batch print schedule (Batch bundling or Top picking).
The settings in the Batch print review form are split into four sections:
Batch print run
Batch job tasks
Log per report
The Grid section displays a record for each Batch print schedule performance run (Batch bundling and Top picking).
Edit: Can be used to edit data on this form. Bear in mind that the majority of the data on this form is data logged from the performance test run, so most of the data is read-only.
Delete: Can be used to delete a record in the list.
Clear staging: Deletes all records from the staging table if the user wants to cancel the batch print process. This might lead to transaction locking
Batch print schedule: Can be used to create another performance test (Top picking or Batch bundle) based on the settings on the selected record.
Actual start date/time: Actual start date/time for when the first batch task started.
End date/time: Actual end date/time for when the last batch task ended.
Created by: The user that created the performance test.
Run in batch: Indicates whether the print was done in batch or client.
Batch approach: The approach used for the performance test. This can be either Batch bundling or Top picking.
Report name: The report that was used for the performance test.
Description: The description entered when creating the performance test.
Batch Print Run
This section displays information about the performance test run.
Description: The description entered when creating the performance test.
Batch approach: The approach used for the performance test. This can be either Batch bundling or Top picking.
Table name: This table was used as the reference to call individual report execution and is usually a journal that also has Form link setting to run the selected report. For example, the CustInvoiceJour table for the SalesInvoiceReplacement report.
Report name: The report that was used for the performance test.
Unprocessed only: Indicates whether unprocessed records were used. An unprocessed record does not have a linked Lasernet Archive record.
Run in batch: Indicates whether the report was run in batch or client.
Number of tasks/threads: The number of batch tasks/threads used for parallel processing.
Bundle reports: Only applicable to the Batch bundling approach. If set to Yes, multiple records are combined into accumulated XML files. The files are then split into multiple reports on the Lasernet server. The advantage of bundles is that they use a low number of calls between Dynamics 365 FO and the Lasernet server. Batch bundling makes three Lasernet FO Connector report calls per thread, even though multiple records are included. The three FO report calls create three XML files, which are then sent to the Lasernet server.
Maximum of records: Defined when creating the performance test. This is the limit for the number of records which were processed.
Log per report: Indicates whether a log for each of the executed reports was created.
Wait/log report archive: Yes - Lasernet report was processed into sync call and waited for the response from Lasernet process. This feature might dramatically affect the performance and is used specifically for identifying issues.
Log CPU usage: Indicates whether a CPU usage log was created.
Log memory usage: Indicates whether a memory usage log was created.
Log performance on every ‘x’ report: Indicates whether the performance is logged on every ‘x’ report. A value of 0 or 1 logs the performance on every report.
Log CPU limit: Stops CPU measurements if the specified value was reached. This is used to eliminate additional stress on the batch server and not call performance monitoring when it already reaches a defined limit. A value of 0.00 sets no limit.
First bundle size: Only applicable to the Batch bundling approach. This is the number of records in the first bundle.
Bundle report size: Only applicable to the Batch bundling approach. This is the number of records that have been bundled up into a single report call.
Last bundle size: Only applicable to the Batch bundling approach. This is the number of records in the last bundle.
Bundle example - Batch bundle settings:
Maximum number of records: 30
Number of tasks/threads: 3
First bundle size: 2
Bundle report size: 5
Last bundle size: 3
Result in the Batch print review form:
Created by: The user that created the performance test.
Actual start date/time: Actual start date/time for when the first batch task started.
End date/time: Actual end date/time for when the last batch task ended.
Number of records: The number of records used in the performance test.
Number of reports: Number of reports processed.
Time duration: The time taken to complete the performance test for all reports in milliseconds.
Time per report (ms): The average time taken to process each report in milliseconds.
Time per report (without batch overhead): Displays the average execution time without any overhead caused by the batch/batch-task. Bear in mind that the value for the Time per report (without batch overhead) could be higher compared to the Time per report (ms) if “multi-threading” is used (multi tasks/threads).
Single-threading (single task) would cause the Time per report (without batch overhead) to be lower compared to the Time per report (ms):
Batch Job Tasks
The Batch job tasks section displays a grid with Batch tasks created by the scheduler/performance test.
This section will have no data if Run in batch was set to No.
Batch job: Opens the Batch job related to the Batch job task.
Batch job history: Opens the Batch job history for the selected Batch job task.
Log: Displays the Batch log. This can be issued to identify issues with the Batch job tasks.
Refresh: Refresh the Batch job tasks.
Batch task id: The unique Batch task id for the Batch job.
Status: Indicates whether the Batch job task has a status of Withhold, Waiting, Executing, or Ended.
Task description: A task description is automatically entered by the Batch print scheduler. The task description can display one of three texts depending on whether the Batch bundling or Top picking approach is used.
Batch bundling: The Batch print schedule (Batch bundling) task. This task is created if Bundle reports was set to Yes. A status of Ended for the LAC batch print summary task indicates completion of the whole process. The LACTestBatchPrintJobService.process is a thread/task. If Number of tasks/threads was set to 3 in the scheduler, there will be three LACTestBatchPrintJobService.process batch tasks in the list.
Top picking: A status of Ended for the LAC batch print summary task indicates completion of the whole process. The LACTestBatchPrintJobService.process is a thread/task. If Number of tasks/threads was set to 3 in the scheduler, there will be three LACTestBatchPrintJobService.process batch tasks in the list.
Company: The legal entity that the Batch task was run in.
Start date/time: The start date/time of the batch task.
End date/time: The end date/time of the batch task.
Run location: The run location for the batch task.
If Run in batch was set to No in the Scheduler = Server
If Run in batch was set to Yes in the Scheduler = Client
Log per Report
This section displays a log for individual reports.
Preview > Show: Displays the output for the report (usually a PDF file).
Preview > Show XML: Displays the XML file used for the report.
Refresh: Refresh the logs.
Details: Opens the Lasernet Archive for the selected report run.
Create a custom alert: Can be used to create a Dynamics alert rule for a record in the Log per report section.
Batch task id: The id for the batch task which processed the report.
Server name: The server that processed the report.
Log date time: The start date/time for when the report was processed.
Time per report (ms): The amount of time taken to process the report in milliseconds.
Bundle report size: Only applicable for the Batch bundling approach when Bundle reports is set to Yes. This field displays the number of records that were accumulated into a single Lasernet Connector report call (XML file). For example, a batch print schedule with these settings:
Maximum number of records: 30
Number of tasks/threads: 3
First bundle size: 2
Bundle report size: 5
Last bundle size: 3
Displays the following Log per report:
The records (30) were split into three batch tasks:
First batch task:
First bundle: five records
Second bundle: two records
Third bundle: three records
Second batch task
First bundle: five records
Second bundle: two records
Third bundle: three records
Third batch task
First bundle: five records
Second bundle: two records
Third bundle: three records
Destination: The destination for the report.
CPU usage %: CPU usage measurement.
Memory usage %: Memory usage measurement.
Reference table ID: Reference to the Table ID.
Reference: Unique ID for the record in the database.
Archive name: Taken from the Archive name field from the archive record in the Lasernet Archive. This is defined by the File name field on the Lasernet report.
Created date and time: The created date and time for the associated Lasernet Archive record.
Order ID: The Order ID mapping from the report. The following is the mapping for the SalesInvoiceReplacement as an example:
This data can also be seen in the Lasernet Archive.
Document ID: The Document ID mapping from the report. The following is the mapping for the SalesInvoiceReplacement as an example:
This data can also be seen in the Lasernet Archive.
Account number: The account number mapping from the report. The following is the mapping for the SalesInvoiceReplacement as an example:
This data can also be seen in the Lasernet Archive.