- Print
The Barcode tool works the same way as the Rearrange tool. When you select data, the barcode object becomes visible in the form on the right-hand side, and you can position it to fit your form requirements. You can insert Barcodes via TrueType fonts, as graphics or driver fonts. This exercise focuses on built-in Barcodes only.
Symbology Barcodes: based on the 3rd party TrueType fonts (not included in the software package).
Built-in Barcodes: a range of linear and 2D barcodes inserted as images and included as a standard feature.
Driver fonts: in Windows printer drivers for the thermal printers, you can add and maintain linear or 2D barcodes supported by the supplier of the thermal printer. The barcode is created in the printer driver and translated into the printer specific language code supported by the thermal printer.
Lasernet 9 support the following list of barcodes:
Linear Barcodes: Code 128, Code 39, Code 93, Codabar, Interleaved 2 of 5, POSTNET, UPC, EAN
2D Barcodes: Data Matrix, MaxiCode, PDF417, QR-Code
An enhanced range of barcodes are supported in the Rich Text Editor.
Download and import the attached configuration called 13. Barcodes in Lasernet Developer 9. Afterward, navigate to the Forms section, and then open the Sample form.
On the Developer toolbar, click the Barcode button, and then click Built-in.
In the XML data area, click the /Report/Code39 node.
A barcode object containing the No barcode assign yet text is added to the form.
Edit the properties of the Barcode object. To this end, on the Barcode tab of the Edit Barcode dialog, click Add..., and then click Add rearrange embedded barcode. This selection allows adding a barcode only for the Barcode object for which the settings are available.
By selecting Add barcode as profile, you can create a global Barcode profile that can be added to the other forms. If you change the settings in your Barcode profile, it effects the other forms which use the same Barcode profile as master.
Afterward, set Symbology to Code 39.
Click Ok to save changes for the barcode settings of the current Barcode object.
Then click Ok to confirm all the specified settings.
On the Position tab of the Edit Barcode dialog, set the X position to 20 mm and Y to 20 mm.
X is a left position and Y is a bottom position (baseline) for a barcode
You have now added a barcode to the output view.
On the Developer toolbar, click the Barcode button, then click Built-in, and then click the /Report/EAN13 node in the input data area.
One more barcode object with the No barcode assigned yet text is now added to the form.
On the Barcode tab of the Edit Barcode dialog, click Add..., and then click Add rearrange embedded barcode. Set Symbology to EAN-13.
Set Height to 1.5 cm.
Set Narrow bar to 0.06 cm.
On the Human Readable group box, select the Below checkbox. Afterward, set Font type to Arial and Size to 8 pt. Now, you can read the inherent content in the data below the barcode.
Click Ok to confirm changes.
Set the X position to 20 mm and Y to 45 mm.
An EAN13 barcode containing human-readable text is inserted into the form.
Let us proceed with the following steps to add barcodes with two dimensions.
Add a built-in barcode for the /Report/Datamatrix node. On the Barcode tab of the Edit Barcode dialog, click Add..., and then click Add rearrange embedded barcode. Set Barcode type to 2D.
Set Preferred format to 40x40.
Click Ok to accept barcode settings.
On the Position tab of the Edit Barcode dialog, set the X position to 20 mm and Y to 70 mm.
Click Ok to accept new position settings for the barcode.
A 2D barcode is inserted into the form.
Add a 2D QRCode barcode similar to the one you have added, following the steps listed above.
Four barcodes are added to the form: two linear barcodes and two 2D barcodes.