    • 07 Aug 2024
    • 1 Minute to read
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    Article summary

    It is possible to back up a whole configuration/setup for a single company. This backup can then be used to import into another company in the same or another environment, for example, from test to production.

    To access the Lasernet Export/Import page, follow these steps:

    1. Sign in to the Dynamics 365 Business Central application.

    2. Click Lasernet Document Management and select the Export/Import tile from the Miscellaneous group.

    1. Here, you can select which part of the configuration to export. You can select more than one option.

    1. You will be asked which company you would like to export from. You can select all companies. This is a good practice to implement before a Lasernet Connector upgrade.

    1. The system will finally ask you to save the XML file, which can be used to import the configuration in another environment, such as UAT.


    Using the same function, you can also copy one company’s setup/settings settings to another within the same environment. Select what you would like to copy and then click the Copy button on the top menu.

    In the next step, you will be prompted to choose the company to which you want to copy the settings. You can only select one company.

    When done, a log is displayed.

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