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BPM Release Version 2.0
Release date: 21st September 2012
New Features and Fixes
The purpose of this section is to outline the new features and fixes of BPM version 2.0.
New and improved Web UI built using Vaadin.
Dynamic Overview and Queue tabs automatically update to display job runtime status.
Admin reporting configuration.
DM Server configuration.
Job Configuration, using Freemarker templating language.
Authentication required for access.
Generic Jobs.
Document Import.
Document Export.
Document Email.
Multi-Document Email.
Uses Freemarker templating language for job configuration.
Jobs can be triggered by either a schedule or by other jobs being completed.
Interactive .exe installer.
Creates/updates database tables automatically on startup.
Utilises OSGi to resolve dependencies between bundles and allow runtime deployment of job bundles.
Binary compatibility enforced on build.
Runs on an OSGi enabled application server maintained by Eclipse called Virgo.