    • 07 Jan 2025
    • 4 Minutes to read
    • Contributors
    • PDF


    • PDF

    Article summary

    PDFs are used for archiving (if enabled on the report) and emailing customers. You should, therefore, think about the way you name the PDF file and also make sure that you give it a unique name. To this end, use the Archive functionality, which can be accessed via Lasernet > Common > Reports > Archive FastTab.

    In the Archive FastTab of the Reports page, you can define and further modify the following settings:

    Field name



    Allows specifying how reports are saved in the Archive. The following options are available for the selection:

    No Manual: allows you to specify whether to Archive or not within the printer dialog.

    Default: allows you to enable using the method specified in the Pro forma field of the Parameters section.

    Destinations to archive

    Allows specifying options for archiving:

    Last: to archive the last destination.

    First: to archive the first destination.

    All: to archive all destinations.

    Table for archive

    Allows specifying a table in Axapta for storing PDF files.

    Subfolder mask

    Allows specifying a name mask for the subfolder containing PDF files. The PDF files can be grouped by date in the subfolders. The subfolder name can contain year (Y), month (M), day (D), day of the year (N), report name (R), data areas (A), Partition (P) in different combinations.

    Report life span

    Allows defining a period of time after which documents are moved to the alternative storage.

    Save XML

    Allows specifying whether to save the XML file going to Lasernet or not.

    Allow forced rerun

    Allows defining whether reprinted documents use files from the Archive or not. If allowed, it is possible to regenerate documents.

    Resend menu item

    Menu item supporting a report re-run based on a journal record.

    Next to some fields, you can find a button denoting custom fields. Clicking the button opens the value selector.

    Resend Menu Item

    It is possible to search for the values in the Resend menu item in Replacement reports: Lasernet FO Connector shows the value within the search when a report is used as a replacement report for an SSRS report.

    It requires the Query report to be specified as a replacement report for the SSRS report. This approach ensures the replacement report (Query report) is aware of which SSRS report it is replacing.

    For more information on the topic, watch our feature video.

    Optimize Lasernet Log

    The entries within the Lasernet Archive contain the information required for resending when using the option Allow forced rerun.

    Force rerun ensures the document(s) is re-initialized/created from scratch and documents (normally PDF files) are not picked up from the Archive.

    This information is packed in a field/record within the Archive, which often requires much space. Lasernet FO Connector 6.17 and later contain an option to shrink or remove this information within the Archive by lowering the size of the Archive while keeping the existing/saved documents (PDF / XML) in the Archive.

    It is possible to avoid saving information only used for the resend with force rerun by disabling the option for force rerun.

    The following two options when selecting Allow forced rerun will save the required information for force rerun:

    • On Archive

    • On forms and Archive

    The required information for force rerun is saved in the Archive.

    Lasernet FO Connector shows the size of the record used for the resend data, such as:

    Selecting the values < Empty > or On forms in Allow forced rerun will not save the information required for Force rerun:

    It would not be possible to use the Force rerun option in cases of < Empty > or On forms being specified in Allow forced rerun. Force rerun will work from standard journals even when deleting the resend data.

    Force rerun is still shown in the standard journal:

    The option to either delete or shrink the Archive is located in Lasernet > Setup > Parameters:

    Force rerun is still shown in the standard journal when DELETE RE-PROCESSING DATA (LACARCHIVERESENDDATA) is disabled:

    The initial size of the created records is lowered in Lasernet FO Connector and gets lowered as well when the SHRINK RE-PROCESSING DATA (LACARCHIVERESENDDATA) option is selected.


    The value in the field Archive age indicates how old (in days) the Archive must be to delete re-processing data for it.

    It is also possible to run across all companies/legal entities by using the option Cross company.

    A similar option to delete/shrink the Archive is located within the Archive, which is useful when testing the size of a record before and after shrinking the records:

    Support for Force rerun before deleting the resend data:

    To remove the option for Force rerun and still have the option to resend the existing document within the Archive (normally a PDF file), use DELETE RE-PROCESSING DATA (LACARCHIVERESENDDATA):

    Document Handling in Review

    When Document handling is used in combination with Review before sending, the attachment will include the note ['In review on report xxxx’] while the document has not been delivered.

    • Review Before Sending is a Lasernet Connector function that allows the user to verify and approve documents before they are delivered.

    • Document Handling is a function that saves the final document (normally a PDF file) as an attachment to a record in the system.


    Using document handling in review will only work if archiving is activated on the report. It will not work for documents in which archiving is disabled, such as proforma documents.

    The combination of reviewing and saving the document as an attachment is enabled by Lasernet FO Connector through a phase/status that identifies the documents that have not been delivered.

    Example of Document Handling in Review Process

    1. Enable Review before sending and Archiving for the report (Lasernet > Common > Reports).

    1. Enable Document handling on the report.

    1. Print the report.

    1. The Review form appears. Select Cancel.

    1. Open the attachments on the record.

    The Note says ['In review on report xxxx'] because the report has not yet been delivered.

    1. The Pending review within the Archive identifies the document that has not been delivered. To open the Review form again, select Review.

    1. Deliver report through the Review will ensure the document is saved as an attachment (Document handling).

    1. Now that the document has been delivered through the Review, the attachment note no longer contains ['In review on report xxxx'].

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