Add Tables to a Sheet
    • 06 Sep 2024
    • 13 Minutes to read
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    Add Tables to a Sheet

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    Article summary

    If a sheet’s output type supports the use of tables, you can add them to the form design.

    EMF-based output

    You can create tables, can be applied to a region or a conditional area (for more details, see Position Form Objects in Specific Areas of a Sheet).

    To add a table, follow the steps listed below:

    1. On the toolbar, click the Table tool and then click Apply to Region or Apply to Conditional Area depending on your choice.

    2. When the pointer becomes a cross, mark the area to define the outer boundaries of the table outlining the required rearranges which belong to a region or a conditional area.

    As a result, rearranges of a region or a conditional area are organized within the table. The number of columns in the table you have added corresponds to the number of outlined rearranges available in a region or a conditional area.

    Each table is presented by header, body and footer.

    Table Properties

    To access table properties, right-click the table you have added, then click Table Properties on the context menu that appears. Alternatively, double-click in a table you have added.

    The Table Properties dialog contains the following tabs:

    • General

    • Header

    • Body

    • Footer

    Each tab has the following command buttons:

    • Ok – closes the Table Properties dialog and saves all the changes made.

    • Cancel – closes the Table Properties dialog without saving any changes made.

    • Preview – previews the table in the output, including any modified settings, but does not apply them. To apply modified settings, click the Ok button.


    Use the General tab to specify the general table settings.


    The controls for the General tab are the same for tables applied to a region and a conditional area.

    The table below details the controls on the General tab.



    Editor only

    Select the checkbox to hide the table in the generated file. All the settings you have configured for the table are saved, and the table is temporarily hidden.

    To display the table in the generated file, with all the table settings applied, unselect the checkbox.


    Type a descriptive name for the table.

    Master only

    Select the checkbox to display a table on the Master sheet only, not on the child sheets (sheets inherit data from the Master sheet).


    Select the checkbox to prevent a table from being moved or resized.


    Use the Header tab to specify settings for the table header. The header settings for tables applied to a conditional area can be set for each column and page separately. You can apply header settings to all columns and all pages at once. The header for tables applied to a region can be set for all pages at once.


    Controls for the Header tab differ for tables applied to a region and a conditional area.

    The picture below shows the Header tab with settings for tables applied to a conditional area.

    The table below details the controls on the Header tab with settings for tables applied to a conditional area.



    Relative to

    Contain the following options:

    • Top of page: Locates the table header relative to the top of a page. Position is fixed.

    • Top of cond. area: Locates the table header relative to the top of a conditional area.


    The control is only available for tables applied to a conditional area. It is not available for tables applied to a region.


    Use the spin box to specify the header height.


    Use the text box to specify a fixed (Top of page) or a relative (To cond. area) Y position of the header on a page.


    Use the spin box to specify the column width.


    Specifying the width for the header, you automatically specify the width for the whole column including the body and footer.

    Show even if no data

    Select the checkbox to show a table on the page(s) being generated even if there is no conditional data on those pages.

    Hide header on page

    Select the checkbox to hide the table header on the page for which you specify settings.

    Fill color

    Fills the header of the selected column on the specified page with a color. To do this, click the arrow in the control, and then click a color in the palette. For more choices, click Custom Color.

    Border color

    Specifies the color of the header borders: left, top, bottom and/or right. To do this, click the arrow in the control of the required group box (Left Border, Top Border, Bottom Border and/or Right Border), and then click a color in the palette. For more choices, click Custom Color.

    Border width

    Specifies the border width of the header: left, top, bottom and/or right. To do this, use the spin box to set the border width value (Left Border, Top Border, Bottom Border and/or Right Border).

    Previous Column

    Click the button to switch to the previous column for specifying the header settings.

    Next Column

    Click the button to switch to the next column for specifying the header settings.

    Apply to all columns

    Click the button to apply the specified header settings for one or all of the columns at once.


    Select the radio button to specify the header settings for the first page.


    The control is only available for tables applied to a conditional area. It is not available for tables applied to a region.


    Select the radio button to specify the header settings for the middle page(s).


    The control is only available for tables applied to a conditional area. It is not available for tables applied to a region.


    Select the radio button to specify the header settings for the last page.


    The control is only available for tables applied to a conditional area. It is not available for tables applied to a region.


    Select the radio button to specify the header settings for the single page.


    The control is only available for tables applied to a conditional area. It is not available for tables applied to a region.

    Apply to all pages

    Click the button to apply the header settings you have specified for all pages at once.


    The control is only available for tables applied to a conditional area. It is not available for tables applied to a region.

    The following picture illustrates the Header tab with settings for tables applied to a region.

    The table below shows the settings for the Header tab for tables applied to a region.



    All pages

    Select the checkbox to show the header on all pages where the table is available.


    Use the Body tab to specify the table body settings.


    Controls for the Body tab are the same for tables applied to both a region and a conditional area.

    The table below details the controls for the Body tab. Most settings are the same as for the Header tab.



    Top Margin

    Use the spin box to specify an interval in millimetres between the header and the conditional data (rearranges).

    Bottom Margin

    Use the spin box to specify an interval in millimetres between the footer and the conditional data (rearranges).

    Vertical lines to header

    Clear the checkbox to separate the body from the header if the latter changes its position on the page.

    Vertical lines to footer

    Clear the checkbox to separate the body from the footer if the latter changes its position on the page.

    Odd color

    Allows specifying a color for instances defined as odd.

    Even color

    Allows you to specify a color for instances defined as even.

    Row border color

    Allows you to specify a color for a border of a row.


    Allows you to specify a width value for a border of a row.

    Top margin

    Allows you to specify a color style for a top margin, if any, based on the value specified for the first pattern instance per page (same or different), or setting no color at all.

    Bottom margin

    Allows you to specify a color style for a top margin, if any, based on the value specified for the last pattern instance per page (same or different), or setting no color at all.

    Margin border

    Select the required check box to add a border for the top and/or bottom margins respectively.

    Additional progress

    Allows you to define a color for an additional progress of groups and/or regions, if any: same as for a previous pattern instance or no color at all.


    Use the Footer tab to specify settings for the table footer. The settings are similar to those of the table header.

    Below is an image showing the Footer tab with settings for tables applied to a conditional area.

    Below is an image showing the Footer tab with settings for tables applied to a region.

    Manipulate Table

    You can manipulate a table you have created in the output. Manipulations affect the table on all the pages.

    • Right-clicking on a table will bring up the context menu. From here you can:

      • Edit the Table Properties by clicking on the corresponding option.

      • Remove the selected table, by clicking Delete Table.

    • To move a table, hover the mouse over it and the table move handle will appear. Using the table move handle, drag the table to the new location.

    • To resize a table, hover the mouse over it and a sizing handle (a little square) will appear. Click and drag the handle to make the table larger or smaller. The height and width ratio will be maintained whilst resizing.

    • To change a column width, rest the cursor on right side of the column boundary you want to adjust, until it becomes a resize cursor (a double-headed arrow), and then drag the boundary until the column is the desired width.

    • To change a cell width, rest the cursor on the right edge of the cell you want to adjust until it becomes a resize cursor (a double-headed arrow), then hold down Ctrl and drag the edge of the cell until it is the desired width.

    • To merge columns, right-click the shared edge between the columns you want to merge, and then click Merge Columns on the context menu.

    • To insert a column, right-click the right side of the column where you want to insert a new column, and then click Insert Column on the context menu.

    You can lock a table to prevent it from moving and resizing. To do this, select either the Lock command on the context menu or the Locked checkbox on the Table Properties dialog box.

    How To

    This section provides further information about settings for tables applied to conditional areas (for more details, see the top of this Tables part of the guide). To modify table settings, open the Table Properties dialog.

    Set Table Header

    To change the table header settings, follow the example steps below:

    1. Switch to the Header tab of the Table Properties dialog.

    2. Specify the header height value in the Height spin box.

    3. Select the column where you want to set the width and fill color. To do this, use the Previous Column and Next Column buttons.

    4. Once you have selected a column, use the Width spin box to specify the header width and Fill Color to choose a solid color. To do this, click the arrow next to the color picker control, and then click the color you want; or click Custom Colors for more choices. If you do not want to apply any fill color, click No Color.

      • If you want to apply the fill color you have specified to all columns, click the Apply to all columns button.

    5. To change the border width for the header, use the corresponding spin box under each border group (Left, Top, Bottom, and Right).

      • For example, it is possible to just change the outline borders of the header. To do this, specify the same color and width value for the left and top borders of the first column, the right and top borders of the last column, and the top border for the rest of columns.

        If you want to apply the border color and width you have specified to all columns, click the Apply to all columns button.

    6. Once you have specified the header settings, you can apply them to the first, middle, last, or single page by selecting the corresponding radio button, or to all pages by clicking the Apply to all pages button.

    7. Once you are done, click OK.

    If you want to preview the table in the output with settings you have specified (but without applying them), click the Preview button.

    The following picture is of the Table Properties dialog showing the properties from the above example:

    The following picture shows the table header with the applied settings:

    Set Table Footer

    To change the table footer settings, follow the example steps below:

    1. Switch to the Footer tab of the Table Properties dialog.

    2. From the Relative to drop-down list, select End of cond. area (Absolute) to locate the footer relative to the end of the conditional area.

    3. To change the Y position of the footer on a page relative to the end of the conditional area, use the Top text box.

      • As per the example, apply the setting for the last page by selecting the Last radio button once you have typed the Top value.

    4. To only show the footer on the last page, use the radio button to select the First page and uncheck the Hide footer on page box. Repeat this step for the Middle page.

    5. Once you are done, click the OK button.

    If you want to preview the table in the output with settings you have specified (but without applying them), click the Preview button.

    The following picture is the Table Properties dialog showing the properties from the above example applied to the First page:

    The following picture shows the table footer with the applied settings (no footer on the first page):

    The following picture shows the Table Properties settings for the footer on the last page:

    The following picture shows the table footer with the applied settings (footer on the last page):

    Set Table Body

    To change the table body settings follow the example steps below:

    1. Switch to the Body tab of the Table Properties dialog.

    2. Use the Top Margin spin box to specify the interval in millimetres between the table header and the conditional data located in the first row of the table body.

    3. To separate the table body from the footer on the last page only, select the Last page radio button and clear the Vertical lines to footer checkbox.

    4. Once you are done, click the OK button.

    If you want to preview the table in the output with settings you have specified (but without applying them), click the Preview button.

    The following image is the Table Properties dialog showing the properties from the example above:

    The image below shows the body with the applied settings:

    Define Pattern(s) in the Input

    On the Alternating tab of the Pattern Properties dialog, select the Detect pattern value (for example, the Odd / Even value).

    1. Open the Table Properties dialog on the Body tab.

    2. To apply the Alternating option, use the controls on the Fill group box. For more details about the controls available in the Fill group box, see the Body tab table.

    3. Once you are done, click the Apply to all columns and Apply to all pages buttons to apply the above settings to all available columns and pages respectively, and then click the OK button.

    If you want to preview the table in the output with settings you have specified (but without applying them), click the Preview button.

    The following image is the Table Properties dialog showing the properties from the example above:

    The following image shows the table body with the applied settings:

    XHTML (XML-based) output and Rich Text-based output

    Use the Insert Table tool to add a table to the output. To activate the tool, click the Table button in the toolbar.

    Specify the number of columns and rows you want the new table to contain, then click OK.

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