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How Do I Add Data Fields into the XML from Dynamics 365 to Map it in Lasernet?
When two fields are required in the Dynamics 365 Purchase Order, they can sometimes fail to appear in the Lasernet report. For example, a customer requested the SITE NAME (for instance, The Willows) and the PLOT No. (for instance, 500 the building plot number on the site) to appear.
Lasernet Connector for Finance and Operations
For the two fields to appear (using the example above), the report needs to be edited in Lasernet FO Connector. The steps to make changes to the Query are as follows:
Open Lasernet FO Connector and navigate to Lasernet > Common > Reports.
Select the PurchPurchaseOrderReplacement Query.
On the top of the page, select Setup and then Query wizard.
Click Next until you reach the Fields page.
On the fields page, use the search filter to look for CTFPlot and CTFSite fields in the PurchLineAllVersions table.
Click the field in the left-hand column and use the right-pointing arrow to add them to the selected fields list in the right-hand column.
Click Finish.
Print the report again. During testing, use Resend and enable Force rerun to ensure the latest changes are picked up by the Connector.
Once done, the two new fields will appear in the XML.