Add Barcodes to a Sheet
    • 30 Sep 2024
    • 11 Minutes to read
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    Add Barcodes to a Sheet

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    Article summary

    You can add barcodes that are based on input data or fixed text.


    The method for adding a barcode to a form design depends on the form’s output data format.


    Follow the steps in the relevant following section.

    EMF-based output

    A large range of built-in linear barcodes and 2D barcodes (such as QR codes) can be inserted into the form design. A barcode can be inserted and delivered as part of print output or embedded into PDF or TIFF files for archiving, mailing, or other purposes.

    The data to encode into a barcode can be read from the input data (to create a rearrange).

    Built-in barcodes are inserted as images and are ncluded as a standard feature in Lasernet.

    Supported Barcode Types

    Lasernet can generate a range of linear and 2D barcode types.

    Linear Barcodes

    Lasernet supports the following types of linear barcode.

    Code 128: Alphanumeric barcode with three-character-sets. Supports Code-128, GS1-128 (Formerly known as UCC/EAN-128) and ISBT-128.

    Code 39: An alphanumeric bar code that encodes uppercase letters, numbers and some symbols; it is also referred to as Barcode/39, the 3 of 9 Code and LOGMARS Code.

    Code 93: Similar to Code 39 but requires two checksum characters.

    Codabar: A numeric barcode encoding numbers with a slightly higher density than Code 39.

    Interleaved 2 of 5: The Interleaved 2 of 5 barcode symbology encodes numbers in pairs, similar to Code 128 set C.

    POSTNET: Used by US post offices for mail delivery and tracking.


    UPC, EAN & GTIN: This is one of the most common barcode types. It is used to encode the GTIN as well as to create JAN, ISBN and Bookland barcodes.

    2D Barcodes

    Lasernet supports the following types of 2D barcode.

    Data Matrix: A matrix symbol that allows very efficient encoding of data into a square barcode with error correction.

    MaxiCode: Used primarily by UPS to route and track packages.

    PDF417: This unique 2D barcode type is commonly used on FedEx shipping.

    QR Code: A matrix symbol that is capable of encoding binary and ASCII characters. Asian/Kanji characters are not supported.


    Colored QR codes are supported, in addition to inverted QR codes. For example, white on a black background.

    In Lasernet 11 and later, you can add custom images to the middle of your QR code.

    Swiss QR Code: A matrix symbol, similar to the QR code, with a Swiss cross in the center. Used for Invoice documents in Switzerland.

    For more information about the Swiss QR Code standard, please refer to the Swiss Implementation Guidelines for the QR-bill:

    Add a Barcode

    To add a barcode to the form design, follow these steps:

    1. In the Developer toolbar, click Barcode (see 'a' in the image below).


      Click the down arrow on the Barcode button to check whether Built-in or Symbology is selected. Select Symbology only if you want to use font-based Symbology barcodes. In all other cases, ensure that Built-in is selected (for built-in image-based Lasernet barcodes).

    2. Your next action depends on whether you want to create a barcode from input data. In either case, Lasernet adds a No barcode assigned yet label to the form (b).

      • Create a barcode from input data: In the input data area, drag the mouse pointer across the data that you want to create a barcode from. Or, for some input data types (such as XML), you can click the input data value.

      • Manually add data later: In the form design area, click the position in the form design where you want to insert the barcode.

    3. Double-click the No barcode assigned yet label. The Edit Barcode window opens.

    4. Click Objects at the top of the window (see c in the image above). In this step, you specify the barcode data. The rows in the Objects table (d) specify the data that the barcode encodes.

      • If you created the barcode from input data, check that the Rearrange object specifies that the correct data is included.

      • Else, by default, Lasernet will add a “fixed text” object to the barcode. Manually change the default “New Insert Text” value to the data that you want the barcode to encode.

      • Or, to encode data from another source (instead of manually entering it or using input data):

        1. Click the Fixed text object.

        2. Click Remove (below the Objects table).

        3. Click Add.

        4. Change the Object type of the new object so that it adds data from another source (for example, you can select JobInfo or Script). Then, provide any necessary information (such as the JobInfo name).


      Regardless of the source of the barcode data, you can add fixed text to it. For example, for some types of barcode, you might need to add a “Fixed text” object that prefixes an “application identifier” to the barcode data. For more information and examples, see Application Identifiers for Code 128 and Application Identifiers for UCC128. To add fixed text to existing barcode data:

      1. Click Add.

      2. Check that Object type is Fixed text.

      3. Change the text in the box at the bottom of the Edit Barcode window.

      4. Use the Move Up and Move Down buttons to appropriately change the order of the objects.

    5. Click Barcode at the top of the window (see a in the image below). From this step onwards, you configure the barcode itself.

    6. Your next action depends on whether you want to use a barcode profile:

      • To use an existing barcode profile: Select it from the Barcode name list (see b in the image above), and then click Edit if you want to modify the profile.

      • To create a new barcode profile: Click Add, and then select Add barcode as profile. This option enables you to create a barcode profile, which is a collection of barcode settings. Profiles and their settings are maintained in the Barcode Profile list (in Lasernet Developer) and the profiles are available when you create barcodes in other forms.

      • If you do not want to use a barcode profile: Click Add, and then select Add rearrange embedded barcode (c). Barcode settings will be embedded in this form and apply to this barcode only.

    7. Click Linear or 2D beside Barcode type (see a in the image below). Then select a barcode type from the Symbology list (b).

    8. Use the rest of the settings on the page (c) to configure the barcode.


      Some types of barcode have settings that are specific to that type. Other types of barcode have settings that are specific to multiple or all types of barcode. See Settings Reference for more information.

    9. If you selected Add barcode as profile earlier: Click OK to close the Built-in Barcode Profile window.

    10. Click OK at the bottom of the Barcode page (d).

    11. Click Ok at the bottom of the Edit Barcode window (e). Lasernet creates the barcode in the form design.

    Add Custom Images to QR Codes


    This feature is available in Lasernet 11 and later.

    You can add a custom image to the center of your QR code. This does not affect the readability of the QR Code.


    This feature applies only to sheets whose underlying output type is Enhanced Metafile (EMF). Also, it applies only to QR codes; it does not apply to Swiss QR codes.

    Add an Image to a QR Code

    Before you begin, add a QR code to the form design, then add the image to the form design. The following image formats are supported:

    • WMF

    • SVG

    • PNG

    • TIFF

    • JPEG

    To add the image to the QR code, follow these steps:

    1. Click the image.

    2. Press and hold Ctrl, then click the QR code. The QR code and image are both selected.

    3. Right-click the QR code, then click Merge output.

    Use Multiple Images with a QR Code

    A QR code can have multiple images merged into it. But, only one image can be displayed in the QR code.

    For example, if a company operates two distinct brands, the image that they want to add to the QR code used in a particular document might depend on the brand that the customer (who will receive the generated document) uses. If the name of the brand that they are a customer of is included as text within the input data, the company could add two images to the QR code, then base the criteria (applied to each image) on the brand name data in the input data.

    If you merge multiple images into the QR code, more than one image will be listed in the Logo list (see image below). If multiple images’ criteria are true, the image that appears highest in the Logo list will be used.

    To change the order of images in the list:

    1. Double-click the QR code to open the Edit Barcode window.

    2. If the QR code configuration options and Logo list are grayed out, click Edit (beside the Barcode name list).

    3. Select an image in the list.

    4. Click Move Up or Move Down.

    To add criteria to an image in the list:

    1. Double-click the QR code to open the Edit Barcode window.

    2. If the QR code configuration options and Logo list are grayed out, click Edit (beside the Barcode name list).

    3. Select an image in the list.

    4. Click Edit (below the Logo list).

    5. In the Edit Image window, click the Criteria tab.

    6. Create the image criteria for the image in this window

    7. Click OK.

    Separate an Image from a QR Code

    To separate a QR code and an image:

    1. Double-click to open the Edit Barcode window.

    2. Click the Barcode tab.

    3. Select the image in the Logo list.

    4. Click Detach.

    Delete an Image from a QR Code

    To delete an image from a QR code:

    1. Double-click to open the Edit Barcode window.

    2. Click the Barcode tab.

    3. Select the image in the Logo list.

    4. Click Remove.

    Settings Reference

    Human Readable

    If the barcode has support for human readable characters, you can click Below (in the Human readable area of the Edit Barcode window) and then specify the font type and size you want to use.

    Additional Information for Code 128

    Application Identifiers for Code 128

    May be encoded with ~202 as the FNC1 before each application identifier (AI). For example, (01)4075600255149 (30)96 should be entered as: ~2020104075600255149~2023096.


    The example above uses data that is carried in JobInfos. Data can also be included in rearranges.

    Dimensions Settings for Linear Barcodes

    These settings are common to most linear barcodes.


    Default Value


    Bar Height


    The height of the barcode in centimeters (CM).

    Narrow Bar Width


    Narrow Bar Width is the width in centimeters of the narrow bars. This is also referred to as the X dimension. The default is 0.03 CM, which is about .012" or 12mm. This value may need to be increased if the scanner being used cannot read barcodes with small X dimensions.

    Bearer Bar Horizontal


    The width of the horizontal bearer bars as a multiple of the XDimension; valid options are 0-10.

    Bearer Bar Vertical


    The width of the vertical bearer bars as a multiple of the XDimension; valid options are 0-10.

    Application Identifiers for UCC128

    Automatic encoded with FNC1 for a single element. May be encoded with ~202 as the FNC1 before each additional application identifier (AI). For example, (01)4075600255149 (30)96 should be entered as: 0104075600255149~2023096.


    The example above uses data that is carried in JobInfos. Data can also be included in rearranges.

    Additional Information for Swiss QR Codes

    Values for the Swiss QR Code are inserted as either one of the following:

    • As fixed text (as the "Sample text").

    • With JobInfo substitution syntax, such as #NameOfJobInfo#, where the values are retrieved via JobInfo objects in the form.


    The maximum permitted data content for a Swiss QR code is 997 characters (including the element separators). If the sum of all fields exceeds 997 characters, data fields will be shortened to 50–100 characters depending on line type. This will prevent a corrupted Swiss QR code from being produced.


    The Amount field is able to process only data that is in Number format.

    Swiss QRCode Property Names




    Sets the creditor's account number.

    Account numbers must be valid IBANs of a bank of Switzerland or Liechtenstein. Spaces are allowed in the account number.

    Alternative scheme 1

    Alternative scheme 2

    Sets the alternative payment scheme(s).

    A maximum of two schemes with parameters are allowed.


    Sets the payment amount.

    Valid values are between 0.01 and 999,999,999.99.


    The Amount field is able to process only data of the Number format.

    Bill information

    Sets the additional structured bill information.


    Sets the creditor address.


    Sets the payment currency.

    Valid values are "CHF" and "EUR".


    Sets the debtor address.

    The debtor is optional. If it is omitted, setting this field to null or setting an address with all null or empty values is acceptable.

    Payment reference

    Sets the creditor payment reference.

    The reference is mandatory for SwissQR IBANs, i.e.IBANs in the range CHxx30000xxxxxx through CHxx31999xxxxx.

    If specified, the reference must be either a valid SwissQR reference (corresponding to ISR reference form) or a valid creditor reference according to ISO 11649 ("RFxxxx"). Both may contain spaces for formatting.

    Additional unstructured message

    Sets the additional unstructured message.

    Symbology Barcodes (TrueType Fonts)

    Symbology barcodes are inserted as a TrueType font. Lasernet is capable of calculating the symbology for a list of linear, insert stop, start code and checksums. The symbology for a TrueType font can only be maintained via profiles; unlike like the built-in barcodes, it cannot be added in the settings of a barcode rearrange.

    The following barcode types are supported:

    • 2 of 5 Interleaved

    • Code 3/9

    • Code 128

    • EAN 8/13


    Inserting barcodes via TrueType fonts is compatible with barcode fonts from, which must be bought and installed separately.

    Rich Text-based output

    Click the Barcode tool. The Form Editor will insert a barcode at the cursor position in the form design area.

    To configure the barcode, click it, then click the Properties (cog/gear) icon in the toolbar.

    Changing your password will log you out immediately. Use the new password to log back in.
    First name must have atleast 2 characters. Numbers and special characters are not allowed.
    Last name must have atleast 1 characters. Numbers and special characters are not allowed.
    Enter a valid email
    Enter a valid password
    Your profile has been successfully updated.